Product Description
VFG Quick Cleaning Pellets
For light sediment removal:
to work against the soiling of the barrel: take a Quick Cleaning Pellet saturated with Teflon-grease and shoot it through the barrel after having finished the shooting. Compression and Decompression cause condense water inside the barrel which will be neutralised by the Lupus-Teflon film.
VFG Quick Cleaning Pellets are solid wads (without centre hole) and available in all the usual calibres. Their diametres are such that they are a tight fit in the bore. When the weapon is fired, the pressure in the barrel and the acceleration of the felt pellet cause it to shrink in lenght. This lengthways shrinkage causes the felt pellet to try and expand in diameter. This increases its pressure on the wall of the bore, giving rise to the desired high friction. The felt pellet presses itself into the rifling and follows its twist. This ensures that every part of the bore is reliable cleaned.
In order to prevent fibre particles remaining in the bore, we recommend that you insert a pointed lead pellet behind the felt plug and shoot the two together!