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Sauer Custom Jacket

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Sauer Custom Jacket

Availability: In stock

Product Name Price Qty
Sauer Single Letters
Sauer Shooting Jacket Advantage EXTRA
Sauer Shooting Jacket Advantage EXTRA Semi
Sauer Shooting Jacket Advantage Leather Canvas
Sauer Shooting Jacket Advant. EXTRA Prone

Product Description


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 Sauer Jacket Advantage Extra


For the first time, a firm cotton-backed rubber material has been used for the front and back. It gives the shooter excellent support in every firing position, while providing the necessary freedom of movement. This sturdy rubber material complies with ISSF rules on stiffness and thickness under all climatic conditions. The blue rubber surface is easy to care for and retains its beneficial properties for years. Anyone who tries it will be impressed.

 Sauer Jacket Advantage Extra Semi


The front section is made of high-quality double-strength canvas and has an additional suede insert on the supporting arm side to give a firm grip when shouldering the rifle.
As with the “Advantage Extra” model, the rear of this jacket is made of an exceptionally sturdy rubber material which keeps it shape exceptionally well. This gives the marksman
excellent stability in every firing position.
The new “Advantage Extra Semi” from Sauer complies with ISSF rules on flexibility and thickness under all climatic conditions.

 Sauer Jacket Advantage Leather Canvas


Sauer's “Advantage” model is made from a carefully balanced combination of materials. For greater stability the lower back and the back of the support arm are made of double canvas. The back yoke and sleeves are in cowhide to ensure freedom of movement where it is needed. Near the support arm the jacket front is fitted with suede to prevent slipping.

 Sauer Jacket Advantage Canvas


This model is made from all double canvas for extra stability. The arm patches are made from original top grip rubber. Shoulder patch - suede leather.

Sauer Jacket Advantage extra prone 


The “Advantage Prone” jacket is ideal for prone shooting. It has a straight cut at the front and both sleeves are set turned markedly towards the back. More material in the shoulder and front sleeve area has been taken in to prevent creasing in the prone position. The neckline and back yoke have been cut lower to avoid pressure from the material. One front panel is made of suede: the left one for right-handed shooters, and the right one for left-handed shoot-ers. The leather inserts at the elbows prevent slipping.



Additional Information

Additional Information

Material Canvas, Cotton, Leather, Rubber, Synthetic


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