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ahg-Iris aperture with lateral hair

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ahg-Iris aperture with lateral hair

Availability: In stock

Product Name Price Qty
ahg-Iris aperture with lateral hair radius 2.8 - 4.8 mm M22 x 0,5

Out of stock

ahg-Iris aperture with lateral hair radius 3.8 - 5.8 mm M18 x 0,5
ahg-Iris aperture with lateral hair radius 3.8 - 5.8 mm M22 x 0,5
ahg-Iris aperture with lateral hair radius 2.3 - 4.3 mm M22 x 0,5
ahg-Iris aperture with lateral hair radius 2.8 - 4.8 mm M18 x 0,5
ahg-Iris aperture with cross-hair radius 2.3 - 4.3 mm M22 x 0,5
ahg-Iris aperture with lateral hair radius 2.3 - 4.3 mm M18 x 0,5

Product Description


For Optimum adjustments to light conditions and target size

Using the lock nut, the aperture can be mounted to compensate for any cant in the shooting position

Comes in both 18mm and 22 mm versions as follows:

  • Ø 2.8 - 4.8 mm M18 x 0,5 
  • Ø 2.3 - 4.3 mm M18 x 0,5 
  • Ø 3.8 - 5.8 mm M18 x 0,5 
  • Ø 2.3 - 4.3 mm M22 x 0,5 
  • Ø 2.3 - 4.3 mm M22 x 0,5 
  • Ø 2.8 - 4.8 mm M22 x 0,5 
  • Ø 3.8 - 5.8 mm M22 x 0,5


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