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.22 Rimfire Ammo Sampler Mid range

Five different Ammunition samples to let you test what fit your gun the best.

Availability: Out of Stock


Product Description


We have selected five different ammunition types based on our experience and feedback from our customers. This gives you opportunity to test out different brands and lines of ammunition and see the difference for yourself. Maybe your gun is not picky and they all work well. Perhaps your rifle/pistol prefers particular brand or line of ammo. When it comes to small bore ammunition, there is really only one way to find out. Shoot it in your gun and compare the results.

Mid Range Sampler pack contains 100 rounds (2 boxes of each) for a total of 500 rounds

  • SK Standard Plus 
  • SK Rifle Match 
  • Lapua Center X 
  • Eley Contact 
  • RWS Target Rifle


22LR SamplerReview by Jonathan McDonald
Very cool way to test out different types of premium ammo from Europe. I can't think of very many local or regional suppliers offering this type of package. (Posted on 2020-10-21)
Mid range samplerReview by Frank
Great service, fast shipping. Unfortunately, the price is 15% higher than the same ammo by the brick, but the only way to test a new rifle is by trying different brands. (Posted on 2019-04-09)

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